Here you can find an Overview of NKE Instruments. If you can not find an NKE Sensor on this pages, dont hesitate to ask us via phone or eMail.
The Display is showing all Data from the Sensors and is calculating for example the true wind. And some Displays are providing Buttons to maintain the Autopilot. More
Informations about NKE
Displays you can find here >>>>.
Here you will find more Information about the NKE Windsensors.
Here you can find a variation of other NKE-Sensors, like Kompass, Speedsensors etc.. More Information >>>>.
AIS System and the Remote Control with Man over Bord
Alarm here you can finde more
Informaitons >>>>.
The hydraulic Drive can replace the Helmsman, powerful und relaiable. Find more Informaitons here >>>>.
The brain of the autopilot will keep your ship on course.